Chapter 4 MS2 preprocessing untargeted
4.1 XCMS
The script 2a.Pipeline_XCMS.R
is available under the folder of J:\CBMR\SUN-CBMR-Metabolomics\Workflow\Script\modules\MS2_preprocessing
4.2 Extraction of MS2-spectra
The script 3a.Pipeline_extract_MS2.R
is available under the folder of J:\CBMR\SUN-CBMR-Metabolomics\Workflow\Script\modules\MS2_preprocessing
4.2.6 Combining: Threshold of mz, proportion among all samples, type for combining, function for combining mz and intensity π΅
4.3 (Optional) CAMERA
If you would like to get more information related to adduct, please run these lines, but you have to have at least 6 samples
The script 4.(optional)Pipeline_CAMERA.R
is available under the folder of J:\CBMR\SUN-CBMR-Metabolomics\Workflow\Script\modules\MS2_preprocessing
4.3.5 Parameters for CAMERA π΅ correlation π΅
params$calcIso <- FALSE #include isotope detection information for graph clustering
params$calcCiS <- FALSE #calculate correlation inside samples
params$calsCaS <- TRUE #calculate correlation across samples
params$cor_eic_th <- 0.7 #correlation threshold for RIC correlation
params$cor_exp_th <- 0.3 #threshold for intensity correlations across samples
params$pval <- 1E-6 #p-value threshold for testing correlation of significance
params$graphMethod <- "lpc" #clustering method for resulting correlation graph (hcs, lpc)
params$intval_cor <- "into" #selection of the intensity values